Monday 14 September 2015

SHJ logo j 2.jpg~コメディアン クラウディのマジック教室~Magic Class by Comedian Cloudy~





  • 内緒の種明かしとスプーンマジック教室開催。クラウディの掛け声でプレイルーム一斉に泣き出すと、本当に泣いてた子がぴたっと泣き止んで、全員が顔を合わせてにっこにこ。毎回愉快痛快トークと不思議マジック、そしてこころの魔法で、笑いいっぱいの病棟にしちゃうクラウディです。
  • Children enjoyed Cloudy’s revealing the secrets behind his tricks a lot. But he never forgets to tell kids not to give away his magic. Children were really having fun. On he and children starting to pretend to cry, the boy really having been crying just stopped crying. Soon everyone looked at each other’s face and began to laugh out. It was real magic of Cloudy. He always makes the ward filled with smiles and laughter by skills all his own like funny talk, wonder of tricks as well as his unique & magical world of changing kids face into really happy faces. 

(日赤医療センター 小児病棟)

※ 2013年9月末までの活動はこちら
