~”Laki Ohanaのちぎり絵ワークショップ~collage of pieces of colored Jananese paper washi~
- ちぎり絵ユニット”Laki Ohana”、本日療育室つばさにてSHJデビュー!和紙の感触やちぎる音、そしてのりを思いっきり手につけたときのぬるぬるベタベタ感。台紙にのりを広げた時のつるつるした肌触り・・。台紙に貼って仕上げた作品「太陽」は力一杯照らすものややさしく温めてくれるもの、それぞれ個性あふれて素敵でした!
- Collage craft artists unit “Laki Ohana” joined SHJ and started visiting children today. Children enjoyed the touch and sound of tearing washi by hand. Also the sticky and slimy feel of glue was something exiciting to them. The works “Sun”, were all colorful. Some were dynamic and some were very soft and tender.
(療育室つばさ~Preschool of special education for children with disabilities)
※ 2013年9月末までの活動はこちら