Monday 27 April 2015

SHJ logo j 2.jpg~絵本画家 水野ぷりんさんの「似顔絵会」~Let’s Have Own Portrait by Pulin-san~


  • 赤ちゃんや子ども、お母さんのスケッチをしました。出来上がるにつれ、治療で泣いていても泣き止む子。自分の顔がどうなるのか?とっても気になるようで、興味津々に覗き込む子。描いた絵は保育士さんがベットの脇に貼ってくださいます。同室の互いの絵をながめながら会話が生まれるご家族ら。最近入院されたご家族は前回の絵を見ていて楽しみに待っていてくれ、自分の番がきたのを喜んでくれました。ひとつ絵が出来上がるたび、「似てる,似てる」と、愉快な和やかな雰囲気が病棟に広がっていきました。
  • Some kids and their parents had their portraits. As other families had already had theirs by Pulin-san, new comers had been really looking forward to her visit. As the portrait was being done, crying kids were getting to stop crying. Some were looking into the pictures wondering how their faces were going to be. The finished ones were put on the wall by their bed so that they could see them anytime, even others in the same room. This occurs communication between families and make the rooms and even the ward friendly.

(日赤医療センター 小児病棟)

※ 2013年9月末までの活動はこちら
