Friday 22 May 2015

SHJ logo j 2.jpg~子どももおとなもジャズ&ブルースby Kazuko Ishibashi~Jazz & Blues for kids and Mothers by Kazuko Ishibashi~



  • お母様と赤ちゃん、幼児さんのリクエストに応えて「あんぱんまん」や「さんぽ」・・でも一番の人気はKazukoさんのブルース!弾き語りのあとは、Kazukoさんのスキャット(ダバダバ!)をみんなで復唱するコール&レスポンス。大人の方がかえって難しいと感じてしまう会場一体型の即興ジャズ。子どもはすぐにリズムに乗り、その盛り上がりがナースステーションにまで伝わり、踊り出す看護士さんも!病棟のライブハウス化実現! 各個室へもライブを届けました。
  • Kazuko sang some chlildren’s song to the piano play like “Ampam-man””Sanpo” but the most popular ones among all the kids and mothers were her blues. After her sang blues numbers to her piano, everyone enjoyed scat-singing “call & response”. Usually adults feel it difficult to do call & response but not children. Children are really good at it. They do it the instant Kazuko shows how to do it.  The show was really livened up and the atomosphere came into the nurse station. One nurse began to dance to scat-singing by All the children and mothers in the playroom. The ward became like a live house. We delivered the live show to every room too. The woman next to Kazuko is Machiko Okumura, a new member of SHJ in charge of artists’ assistant.

(神奈川県立こども医療センター 乳幼児病棟~Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center~)

※ 2013年9月末までの活動はこちら
