Monday 2 February 2015

SHJ logo j 2.jpg~NIKONIKO大使ガイさんのバルーン&マジック~Balloon Art & Magic by Guy-san



  • ドクターを巻き込んでの愉快痛快バルーンショー。ずっこけドクター+子どもたちの「マジックパワー」全開=どの部屋でもにっこにこ(ときにげーらげら!)の明るい笑顔がいっぱい!
  • Every room of the pediatric ward was full of children’s smile with Guy-san’s magic and his balloon. A doctor joined his performance and it made everyone there laugh out and he seemed to enjoy himself too. This is another scene that we like to share with kids. We thank the doctor for joining us to make kids happy.

(日赤医療センター 小児病棟)

※ 2013年9月末までの活動はこちら
