6月17日 カクテルホイップの即興演劇(京大病院にて) Improvisation by Cocktail Whip at Kyoto Univ. Hospital


The activity at the playroom in Kyoto Univ. Hospital last month was improvisation by Cocktail Whip. Children laughed so much when they watched overact by Cocktail Whip.

6月10日 すみちゃんの音楽遊び(淀川キリスト教病院子どもホスピスにて) Music play by Sumi-chan at Hospice for Children in Yodogawa Christian Hospital


Sumi-chan visited Hospice for Children in Yodogawa Christian Hospital last month and played with children. Some chiledren fall asleep while they are listining to comfortable music by Sumi-chan. atmosphere of this hospial is so calm that children always feel relaxed.