~コメディアン・クラウディと英語で遊ぼう&マジック教室~Let's Enjoy English & Magic Class by Comedian・Clooudy~
- そこにいるだけで、えっ!?。しゃべりだしたらもうみんなの笑いが止まらない。時には真面目に英会話教室。間違えたってLet's try! わからなかったら黙ってないで"I don't know".これだけでもう、会話だよ!習ったのはそれだけじゃない。ひみつの割り箸マジックは次回までの宿題だよ!!
- Once one sees Cloudy, he/she soon gets startled. Then as soon as he starts talking, everyone can't help smiling and no one can keep from laughing at his way of taking and comical behavior. And once in a while, he gives an English conversation lesson. Don't worry about making mistakes but just try. When you don't know the answer, just say "I don't know". That's also a good English conversation much better than just keeping silence. Kids' most favorite lesson today was a magic class using chopsticks. This is homework by the next time Cloudy visits the ward.
(慶應義塾大学病院 3N病棟)
※ 2013年9月末までの活動はこちら