Magic, Juggling & ballloon Art by NIKONIKO Ambassador Guy~
- プレイルームは最初から最後までケラケラケラと黄色い笑い声でいっぱい。こんなに笑ったのを見たのは本当に久しぶりというお母様。お父様の飛び入り参加も。大人の失敗はこどもにとって蜜の味?!
- The playroom was filled with such cheerful laughter by children. "It's been a long time since I saw my daughter laughing", one of the parents said. A father joined the performance and he often failed, which made children laugh out. Kids sometimes loves adults failure!
(神奈川県立こども医療センター 内科系病棟)
※ 2013年9月末までの活動はこちら