~もっきんぽっと"音楽とお話の紙芝居朗読劇~Readers' Theater by Mokkin-pot~
- もっきんぽっと"音楽とおはなしの紙芝居朗読劇"@日赤医療センター。小児病棟ではお孫さんの付き添いのおじいさま、ずっと笑顔で紙芝居に参加してくださる風景も。人気の「つんつんや」、乳児院では音楽と歌で構成できる幼児向けとあって、盛り上がりました!お話を気にしつつ、一人ふらふらマイペース。これも楽しみ方のひとつ!今日は宮城県立こども病院でのSHJ活動も同時開催!
- At the pediatrics ward, a grandfather of a patient also enjoyed the story telling with his grandchild. At the infant home, small kids joined the readers' theater sometimes being completely absorted in the stories and sometimes walking around with a little curiousity. Today, another performance was held at Miyagi Children's Hospital by SHJ musicians at the same time.
(日赤医療センター 小児病棟 附属乳児院~Japanese Red Cross Medical Center the pediatrics ward and the infant home~)
※ 2013年9月末までの活動はこちら