~ぷりんさんのお絵描き教室~Enjoy drawing!~
- 絵本画家の水野ぷりんさんの優しい作風と、にこやかで穏やかな人柄がとても居心地がよく、子どもたちはいつまでもプレイルームでお絵描きを楽しみました。個室での母娘似顔絵にはお母様が大変喜んでくれました。女子の病室では手を動かしながらおしゃべりにも花が咲き、絵をプレゼントされた中1の子曰く「こんな幸せない!入院中にプロに描いてもらった絵を友達に見せて自慢します!」。とても絵が上手な子で将来の夢は声優とのこと。
- The artist Pulin-san is such a peaceful person that everyone in the playroom didn't want to leave her and keep drawing till they got tired. She draw mother and child in the private room, which made them happy. A 13 years-old girl liked the picuture the artist draw upon her request and she was so happy that she was about to cry. She was so proud of it and she would show it to school friends after discharging, she said.
(神奈川県立こども医療センター 内科系病棟~Kanagawa Chidren's Medical Center~)
※ 2013年9月末までの活動はこちら